Rooted Soul Reckoning Part 2
Last time we saw our #stories of the past year as leaves and letting let them go. Some of course will regrow as fresh new growth but others will rot into a rich hummus that will feed our roots.
This time we look at rooting ourselves. We recognise our roots and we expand these as new intentions using our Tree Teachers as guides.
Now empty branches
My rooted soul reckoning
I am connecting
The World slows down and we return inside. What if there were another way of returning? What if we remembered an old interior returning we have forgotten about?

"I am absolutely fascinated by sacred geometry, the gold ratio and the bifurcating nature of nature's most efficient energy distribution and absorption pattern: tributaries, bronchioli, lightning or beautifully wrapped in bark, trees are amazing! " AST member Tim Cherry-Jones
In the soil beneath our feet is growth. Roots whispering in their aliveness making threads in the earth, extending, communicating, connecting. In dormancy is dreaming.
In Winter #Trees remember their roots. They anchor themselves against storms, they take in the blessings of the good earth. They root themselves ever deeper into the ground. They go deeper into the darkness and there they find companionship and nourishment.
"I teach outdoor meditation and feel that they are the walls to my classroom" Lorna Bailey Bear
In #winter people put in more layers. Jumpers, hats, coats, scarves, boots. We close the windows and shut the doors and draw the curtains against the soot dark days.
By and large humans tend to stick with what they think are their own kind. I say ‘think’ because our ‘own kind’ extends far beyond our own friends and neighbours. It extends even beyond humans altogether. We are a part of a living #ecosystem. In learning to reconnect with it we remember our ancient roots, we reconnect with who we are and we renew life.
In challenging times we humans shut up shop, we close doors, we batten the hatches. We hide away from the dark … we don’t like the cold. We hate the darkness so we look to trinkets to bring in the light. We are hungry so we consume more and more and more in the hopes of satisfying ourselves. What if there were another way? A way that doesn’t close us up to the dark of winter but opens us up? ...
In our cold lean times what if we could learn from the trees? We humans think we know everything but I tell you that tree know more than we do ….
In the cold barren times Tree get fed.
This is an exercise to do outdoors, if you are housebound or stuck in an office see the instructions from part 1.
Rooted Soul Reckoning Part 2 - The Tree Teaching A #ForestBathing Exercise
"Because I feel a union with the spirit of each tree. Even as a child, I felt the pulse of trees when I leaned up against them." AST member Bev Roberts
If you can, give yourself at least a few moments of peace before going back into the slipstream of socialising, doing and busyness. When you go back inside you may like to sit again and allow more words to spill out on paper. It might just be a list, it might be more poetic. Don’t judge, let it happen. You could do this every time you connect with trees and #nature, and this too will become treasure and an act of remembering and honouring the world and ecosystem you inhabit and are a part of.

"Trees give me energy & peace of mind. I love all trees, but especially ancient ones. To me they symbolize continuity, steadiness and are most giving to all who can appreciate them." AST member Veronique Rignault

"They are beautiful and interesting and full of life, providing much of what we need for life" AST member Becca Bee

This is part two of Rooted Soul Reckoning. Last time we looked at how to see our stories of the past year as leaves, and how to let them go. Some of course will regrow as fresh new growth but others will rot into a rich hummus that will feed our roots. See the link for Part One.
"I have three magnificent ancient tall oak trees in my suburban garden. Despite protestations from neighbours over 25 years I refuse to cut them down. I love them with all my heart body and soul." AST member Amanda Cass

"They are the sentinels of the changing seasons. I love sitting beneath them and just being a part of their world for awhile." AST member Lois Turner
This time we looked at recognising our roots, getting deeper and more firmly rooted and how to feed ourselves in the bleakest of #seasons by listening to our #TreeTeachers.
Those of you who have signed up to the newsletter will find an extra offering in there each time so be sure to open yours for the special secret things.
Amanda Claire x
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Want to write an article for us? Get in touch! It can be on any subject to do with trees/nature from across teh world, art, education, spiritual connection etc