Ancient and Sacred Trees Planting and Protecting Trees for People and Planet
You can help protect trees, people and planet in lots of ways.
See Wild spirit Woods Our On-The-Ground Home here.

We plant and protect trees via the AST shop.
Promoting Protection through Petitions, blog articles, and online.
Beauty as activism inspiring others to love and protect trees by sharing photos, artworks, folklore, and stories about them.
This is Armchair Activism at its' Best!

Tree Tours, Tree temple, DirecTree etc
Join us on our blog and/or Amandas' newsletter to be inspired and learn more.
Become an official member of this site for FREE and be a part of our Green and Growing Communitree™
Receive our Good News Letters with pics, inspiration and more.
The more we share our love of trees the more others will be inspired to do the same. People only protect what they love!
We are a green and growing communiTree. Come join us it's Free.

Simple affordable action planting and protecting trees and supporting local communities..
With the tree planting projects we support who protect as well as plant.
CerTreeficates™ 20 Trees For a Tee shirt, Card, Special packages & Tree Hugs

Plant trees with our tree planting e-cards, e-tree hugs, e-tree planting certificates, and 100% organic T-shirts that plant 20 trees.
Jack In The Green Ethical Gift Shop.
Trees planted with every purchase.
Ethical, fair trade gifts, handmade and spiritual for you, your home and garden. In return for your treasures you get to plant trees too!
Our Ancient and Sacred Trees CommuniTree is Not-For-Profit Volunteer run. This sets us apart from many organisations, many of whom pay themselves enormous fat-cat wages. Here at AST we walk our talk.
We believe in Beauty As Activism because helping people feel good empowers them to do good.