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Join Our Ancient and Sacred Trees CommuniTree Run By Volunteers.
By Tree Lovers For Tree Lovers!
Two Ways To Join Us:
By signing up to the blog to receive our founders' Forest Heart Newsletter & blog access OR
For just the Forest Heart newsletter by our founder fill in the top Green form here
You have to use the sign up button in the header/menu bar at the top of the website for the blog.
If you have a query about Facebook please message our Facebook business page - NOT this website!
Many thanks
For general enquiries please use the blue form below this green one. Thank you.

Sharing Petitions, General and Fundraising Enquires
We regret that we CANNOT answer queries about our social media groups here. Please read the FB group rules on FB.
Other social media enquiries to be directed to our Facebook Business Page.
For other enquiries including wanting to fundraise for us please use the form below.
(Please note we don't accept fundraisers for other fundraising organisations with paid staff as we are volunteers)
Feel free to get in touch about funding if you are a volunteer run community planting trees in UK.
Thank you
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