About Our Ancient and Sacred Trees Community
Celebrating trees through planting, protecting, celebrating, and cultivating a community of trees and people.
Find your sacred connection.
On the ground at Wild Spirit Woods In Cheshire near the peak district and online at:
right here on our website, Forest Heart Newsletter & App, facebook groups.
Wild Land Acknowledgement​
AST respectfully acknowledges the traditional caretakers of the land and waters on which we live, work and play. We recognise that sovereignty was never ceded and pay respect to Elders past, present, and emerging, both human AND our other-than-human neighbours across the world.
The AST Logo was designed by founder Amanda Claire Vesty to:
Include a tree, two faces and a bird in recognition of the symbiotic relationship all life has, including humans.
Represent the relationship we wish wider society to cultivate with the living world.
Represent our Green and Growing CommuniTree.
Honour our ancient and sacred connection to trees and nature
Honour of the Tree of Life.

“Keep a green tree in your heart and perhaps a songbird will come.” Chinese proverb
“It may be that some little root of the sacred tree still lives. Nourish it then that it may leaf and bloom and fill with singing birds! Hear me, that the people may once again find the good road and the shielding tree.”
Wallace Black Elk: Holy Man of the Oglala Sioux 1863-1950

Re-Wilding our Native Soul For PlanetTree Healing
Our Mission is promoting personal connections with trees and nature. The aim of Ancient and Sacred Trees is planting and protecting trees creating cultural change for a better world for people and planet:
ActiviTree - Outdoors, Activities, Events,
CreativiTree - Creative Arts,
Ministree - Sacred Connection,
PositiviTree - Mental Health & Well Being, Positive Action & News,
Universitree - Education,
Vitalitree - Forest Bathing, Eco Therapy, Physical Health
XploraTree - World View, native wisdoms
PlanetTree Healing
AST Ethics
What are you waiting for? Come and join us, it's FREE!
A Green and Growing CommuniTree
We have Atheist, Christian, Pagan, Druid, Wiccan, Hindu, Muslim, Humanist members, and lots more. From scientists to tree huggers, what we all have in common is our love of trees and the natural world. Based in Britain we have members all across the world.
Join us it's FREE!

Our Heritage
Trees are the bones of culture and The Tree Of Life Symbol probably the most universal.
In The United Kingdom
It is estimated that around 70% of all ancient trees in Europe grow in Britain. They provide ecosystems for hundreds of living plants and creatures, habitat for many rare species. Yet the UK is one of the least tree populated countries in Europe and our track record for protecting woods and forests is poor. It is also one of the most nature depleted countries in the world.
Around The World
Forests continue to be destroyed at an alarming rate. Soon many countries will be on par with the UK in diversity loss and tree cover. By promoting a positive message of love and beauty we inspire people to protect what they love.
AST celebrates, plants and protects trees for people and planet.
We are a worldwide 'CommuniTree'. It is FREE to join us!
In protecting our trees we are protecting the Land and Waters for generations to come for plants and creatures including humans.

Sign up for our Good News Letter here
OR sign up to our website here by signing up to the our blog & website
Founded by Amanda Claire Vesty, in January 2014.
Our Online Groups are moderated by volunteers who help hold this community with loving care and attention. They fit this valuable work around families, jobs and other responsibilities.
We also have a community of On-The-Ground volunteers who tend our Spiritual Home at Wild Spirit Woods.
Our Ancient and Sacred Trees 'Green and Growing CommuniTree' celebrates trees and sacred connections.
Our shop funds planting and protection with us in the Tropics and the UK.
We are co-guardians of Wild Spirit Woods in Cheshire in the heart of Britain.
"Ancient and Sacred Trees ... is a great example of a group that allows people to connect with other like minded people who care about their environment and sustainability.." Sophie Marsden on behalf of Facebook
Facebook UK 'Growing The Future' campaign.

Plant trees with retreats, workshops, healings and gifts with Jack In The Green.
Trees planted with AST for every £5 www.jackinthegreen.org.