A story of ancient sacred oaks, a Victorian mystic and a Very Rare Tree.
The sacred White Leaved Oak was originally a different tree from the ancient sacred Sessile Oak tree that burned down in the summer of 2020. It was a very rare variegated oak for whom the Whiteleaved Oak Hamlet was named in Herefordshire. This legendary tree did have some cuttings that were taken and grown in the hamlet but they died eventually, probably because the graft was infected or the root stock was unsuitable.
The variegated oak Quercus Robur ‘Albomarmarata' is a very beautiful tree whose leaves are like snowflakes with no two the same. It is also very rare with only 69 of these trees known in the UK.

How Do We Know there was a White Leaved Oak at Whiteleaved Oak Hamlet?
In 1584 Henry Dingley, a verderer of Malvern Chase, wrote about walking the chase boundaries. He noted that near the southernmost boundary of the chase grew
"...a greate Oake caulled the white leved Oake [which] bereth white leaves."
In 1877 Edwin Lees wrote in 'The forest and chace of Malvern, its ancient & present state: with notices of the most remarkable old trees remaining within its confines',
"The "White-leaved Oak" valley between the Ragged-stone and Keysend-hills, keeps in its name the memory of an oak that existed there within memory, whose leaves being variegated with white blotches, caused it to be considered a curiosity and prodigy."
Clearly a very ancient tree by Victorian times the tree finally succumbed or was chopped down at that time.
James Bateman the Victorian Plant Collector, Gardener and Mystic
Both the Sessile Oak and the White Leaved Oak trees grew near the hamlet at the point where three counties meet and said to be a centre of an earth mysteries site where many ley lines converge. It could be that James Bateman the renowned Victorian plant collector, gardener and mystic visited the hamlet and collected a cutting from this very tree. In any event there is now a Variegated oak Quercus Robur ‘Albomarmarata' growing in his now famous National Trust garden at Biddulph Grange in Staffordshire, England. It is a remarkable garden full of all sorts of mystical references including an Egyptian temple and Chinese pagoda.

Gary Biltcliffe following in the footsteps of people such as James Bateman, is continuing exploring earth mysteries traditions as a well respected earth mysteries author and he is now resurrecting the spirit of these trees. You can find out more in the two articles Honouring The Whiteleaved Oak Part 1 and White Leaved Oak In Memorium Help Us Plant A Living Legacy

Biddulph Grange as it would have been during James Batemans' Lifetime and a Living Legacy Today

This fabulous garden is one of my favourites. Biddulph Grange can be found in Biddulph, Staffordshire, England and is now owned by the National Trust preserving the remarkable legacy of James Bateman for future generations. The garden as it stands now is testament to a remarkable restoration and is one of the finest examples to be found today. I will write all about this wonderful place and the trees to be found in the future.
Plant an Oak in honour of the Rare Sacred White Leaved Oak
Help honour this very rare tree with Ancient and Sacred Trees by taking a look in our Tree Planting shop. Gary has cuttings from the Biddulph tree and is planting in secret locations.

What will YOUR legacy Be? How Can You Plant an Oak Tree with Ancient and Sacred Trees?
There are lots of ways you can plant oak trees with Ancient and Sacred Trees with personalised ecards, certificates, organic tee shirts and more, Visit our shop We fund the planting of Oaks and broad leaf trees across the UK!
The Tree - A Beautifully Written Book About the Life of An Oak Tree.
AST is also delighted to present The Tree written by Melina Sempill Watts, a fabulous, deep, rich, profound book with wonderful reviews about the life of an oak tree. Written from the point of the tree, we guarantee you will look at the world in a deeper more beautiful and connected way. AST members will receive a special discount. To join us is free, just sign up to the newsletter. Sustainably produced and printed using the latest eco-friendly technology, every book purchased plants an Oak Tree with us.

I hope you have enjoyed the stories of the white leaved oak and feel inspired to plant with us at AST, a community organisation run by tree lovers for tree lovers and supporting tree roots projects. If you have any further information to add feel free to contact me via this website.
May our Green and Growing CommuniTree of trees and people be as mighty and strong as an Oak!
Amanda Claire
Amanda, I have been trying to get in touch since last Saturday by email and through this website. Please respond to me, Tracey S
So much enlightenment in these very well researched stories,presented with quality photo's too.