Member Sue Coulson put out a plea for this #treeplanting project. Volunteers Needed to PLANT TREES on the #WiltshireDowns close to the #WorldHeritageSite of #Avebury Stone Circle. Friday/Saturday ~ 29th/30th November 2019
Two very special projects are running this winter and plenty of HELP is needed to make them happen!
1. Plant Beech Trees around three clumps along the ancient Ridgeway so that as we lose the existing trees (which are approaching old age), we won't lose these iconic landscape features.
2. Create a new tree sparrow corridor in an area where numbers have grown from a handful to hundreds over the course of the project.
A very generous grant from the #NorthWessexDownsAONB Sustainable Development Fund has been awarded, which will cover the cost of almost all the plants, supports and protection for this project! The remaining costs will be met by two farmers, David White & James Hussey.

However, they are very much relying on YOU for help to manifest this dream.
If you can spare an hour or two, or three or six, please do join them and do your bit to enhance the landscape and wildlife habitats of the beautiful #MarlboroughDowns.
Together, we can make great things happen!
This is being hosted by The Marlborough Downs: A Space for Nature and North Wessex Downs AONB. For links see our AST group blog on website.
All tools will be provided (but bring gloves and a spade if you have one), and training given on the day.
More details given on booking. See links below for more info.
Want a FREE listing here on the AST website for your event get in touch
Jack In The Green ethical gift shop donates to Treespect. When you shop here it is a win win for both you and the trees. :-)