Tree Blessings
Blessings on the ones who stand in the concrete necropolis of colonisation. You who reach to the sky silently filtering the sacred from the profane, gods’ gifts of oxygen and clean air for those who walk beneath. Though your roots are covered by the tracks of the blind yet your vision stands flying a green banner of hope. There you stand regimented yet still you stand growing in your own way writing wildness against the sky waiting for those who will look and wonder at wisdom not contained within four walls.
These interfaith prayers and blessings celebrate our sacred connection with nature and the living miracle of our planet Earth. You are free to add the name of your god/dess as appropriate and to add with greetings and endings as you wish for example ending with Amen or Blessed Be etc etc. Be it positive psychological programming through gratitude or a magical offering, it is up to you to decide.
They are based on the weekly tree teaching and wild wisdom story.
During the #coronavirus #covid19 AST will continue to focus on positiviTree for all inspired by #trees and #nature. We are a green and growing CommuniTree and together we are a forest of love and friendship. You can join us for free here on this website. If you wish you make a prayer or blessing while planting trees via this site. Subscribe to stay in touch.
Great Goddess, you of the other world, a wide world, a world beyond our imaginings, a world of our world, yet of something other, we see you and we honour you. Great goddess of the strong arms, of the strong back, carrying the people. Great Queen, ruler in your own right, who chooses when to stop and give court to men, you of the faithful heart carrying burdens of love for those who doubt. You of the earth, the other place, who brings new sight to those who will not see. You are the transformer and vision keeper. Blessings upon you that we humans learn to see the journey beyond our own selves, to bear our burdens with dignity and keep faith in our hearts to rise renewed once more.
When the people called out and threw convention to the winds you arrived thundering in on your cloud steeds. The sky poured its heart onto the protesters. When they called you came and a river of blessings cascaded onto their heads, the sanctity of human nature as part of a wild world not contained and tamed, but raw and alive and open and connected. Not a few drops of manna from heaven, but a roaring river, a deluge, washing all before it, rain soaked people who marched down the road in the rivers’ sweep. Rhiannon, those of us who were there we don’t doubt your power. You came and blessed the people and those who were touched by the rain will never be the same again. Amidst the concrete regimens of modernity, we the wild ones untameable, nature in its essence, flowered. The roads of the city may be in straight lines but the heart wanders its own trackways of gods and goddesses, heroes and heroines of stories that leap up and live again. Great Goddess, Great Queen your story teaches us to carry our burdens and know that we can reclaim our rightful places in our green and growing communities.

Tree Prayers
Let the human animals learn new ways to live and die more in keeping with the earths’ rhythms, not contained in concrete but in wild air, washed clean in the rain. Just as trees dance in the wind may all those who dance to a different beat be left to waltz in their own way, as a winding river does, as a leaf spiralling down from a tree does. Just as trees open their arms to sun and sky may we open our arms to those we yet don’t know. Let us put our faith in a better world where trees and people can grow unrestrained. Trees grow in many colours and forms, humans grow in many colours and forms. May there be space for the mightiest tree, the smallest mouse and the human different to me and you. Let our 'Green and Growing Communitree' flourish. Let it be so.
Blessings Amanda Claire x