Hawthorn, Belle Nuit, ô Nuit D'Amour and Morpheus
What a poetic combination of words. So, I thought, following on from the true tale of Thomas the Rhymer, I would share this. As I said, this was the first story I ever told in public. Quite fitting in some ways as a peice about initiation. Although my connection with hawthorn was years earlier.
Yesterday I was listening to "Belle nuit, ô nuit d'amour" a piece from The Tales of Hoffmann by Jacques Offenbach. I find it enchanting. (If you don’t know it here it is).
As I listened Hawthorn came to mind and I saw a lake with one in full bloom beside it, petals lit by the full moon falling onto the water. Early this morning listening to the same piece sat in bed with the window open with the birds singing in the background and the trees outside my window beautifully lit across the road from my house, the following poem came to me. Morpheus has made a diadem of dreams to wear about your head His wing tips gently brush your face as you lie asleep in bed
Like a lover he tiptoes silently in the velvet of the night
To cast his diamond net of dreams bringing great delight
He reaches up past the moon to hang his cloak upon a star
And settles down to watch you having set the door ajar
Adept at the quick escape, like love disappearing at first light
Morpheus will not stay when time is shining bright

This to me, has something of the essence of Hawthorn. Perhaps one day I will share my first magical encounter with you.
May Your Dreams Be Sweet and Your Days Be Bright.
Amanda Claire x