Celebrate, Connect, Plant and Protect
Volunteer Run Not For Profit Project Proud To Support and Protect Communities of Trees and People!

5000 Planted and Counting with our Volunteer Run Labour of Love for the Trees.

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Celebrating our Ancient and Sacred Connections with Trees
Woods, Wildlife and Well Being
Wild Spirit Woods AST CIC is our Not-For-Profit Community Interest Company run by Volunteers.
Protecting and Planting Trees in the Tropics & the UK.
Custodians of Wild Spirit Woods, a community and conservation project. Our on-the-ground spiritual home.
Sophie Marsden on behalf of Facebook and their Grow The Future Campaign - "Ancient and Sacred Trees ... is a great example of a group that allows people to connect with other like minded people who care about their environment and sustainability.."
Rob McBride Tree Hunter - "Thanks for all you do for our trees .. You are a Tree Angel
Dawn DeVivre Channel 4 TV Star, Formerly known as Dr Dawn Gibbins MBE - "Amanda Claire Vesty Bless you for creating the Ancient and Sacred Trees of Britain Group to enlighten and connect us. I recommend everyone join this group!"
C W “This group is awesome ... it just goes to show how much we can all benefit from each other and from appreciating the truly amazing wonders of nature...”
E O There is hope! This beautiful site has helped me heal after 5 years of brutal bullying at my last job…Love Eddie xox❤️xox”
H R” It seems to me that none of us is alone. We all belong to a community of lovely people. Keep spreading the love xx”
Jack In The Green Supports Ancient and Sacred Trees
Ethical gifts, retreats, celebrations and storytelling, all fund tree planting