Amanda C Vesty

Jan 17, 2020

The Benefits of Being, Out In The Forest.

Want to know how #trees can help you? Powerful words from my AST tree group members about the #healingpower of our wonderful #woods. Did you know that even just an image of #nature can help your sense of wellbeing? Read, enjoy, and be inspired this #forestbathingfriday :-)

Beech Being by Founder Amanda C Vesty

"When I feel the world is an ugly place I like to go out and remind myself what really matters and suddenly the world looks beautiful again.#Naturetherapy 😍". - Rach Carter

"I have suffered from #anxiety and still do at times. Trees and immersing myself in nature have really helped me." - Ena Dolores

"Nature keeps me balanced as well." Margaret Melhuish

"Blessings, nature sure is the greatest healer, works for me every time! 🌳❤️" - Julie Arnold

"Walk through the woods tonight, and I can recommend #meditation in a wet woodland! The smell of the woods is divine, the sound of the rain on the leaves is incredibly #relaxing and the drips falling on you from the tree tops is completely invigorating.... Mother nature, I fxxxxxg love you!!! XXX" - Bob Byrne

Water drop by AST member ©Jamie King-Fretts

"I am a #treehugger and this keeps me well. 💚" - Linda Williams

"I recovered from a severe back issue by getting out in the #forest earlier in the year. I could only walk 50m or so without having to stop, lay on the ground, get up and walk on, but in a few weeks I stopped using my staff, put bigger gaps between the rests and now I am back up to 5 or 6 miles without needing the staff, pain relief or rests. That contact with the ground, looking up at the sky (usually with two bemused GSDs looking down at me), and walking amongst the trees and on the heathland made all the difference." - Sean Gibbins

Bella my Forest Bathing Guide. ©Amanda C Vesty

"Nature is the food for my soul, the sanity for my mind and the breath for my body....and I mean that literally lol! Blessings all. Xx" - Alice Hithersay

"I have #fibro caused by #cptsd... It is the most powerful #selfmanagementtool I have to utilise every single day ... Sometimes the hardest thing to drag myself out but I always feel so much more able to cope after an hour stomping talking to nature <3" - Sarah Holmes

Winter Walks Are The Best by AST member ©Michelle Evans

"I feel less well when I don’t spend time among the trees. They #empower me. They help to balance me out." - Peter Gates

I hope you have enjoyed reading a few inspirational quotes and looking at the pictures. Trees help us in so many ways, our lives are interlinked. #mentalhealth and #physicalwellbeing are so important. We may well not notice them day to day and it is very easy to take our health for granted but we soon know we when we lose it.

Did you notice any particular words and phrases that people used? Here are some of them...

Empower, Meditation, Self Management Tool, Relaxing, Balanced, Healing, Nature Therapy

This is how powerful nature is! These are really important words and they are all achievable and available to all of us. These words are just a few of the gifts that #mothernature has to offer us, if we are just willing to walk outside and meet her. 🌳❤️

These words are not just plucked out of the air, they have been spoken by people who have experienced the #healingpowerofnature for themselves. If nature works for them then nature can work for you too! Best of all it is free.

I am really passionate that everyone is entitled to access nature. It is our home after all! For those that can't get outside or to a more natural environment creating as much access as possible on line is something I am really determined to do. This is why on this website you will find videos and of course information on accessibility and equality for all.

If you live in South Cheshire, North Staffordshire and feel you would like some guidance or company then get in touch. I offer one to one and group sessions in #forestbathing. I am also looking for entries to the AST DirecTree so if you are a member and have nature connection activities to offer then please get in touch.

Woodlands are essential for our wellbeing. Every time I walk out in the #woods I can feel the stress and strains of the day just melting away. Their ever changing beauty never ceases to fill me with wonder.

Amanda x

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